Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Ok, so where did I last leave off...

Ok, so yes, people who are having this surgery or any major surgery dealing with the stomach should have family and friends read those articles.....

OK, so the day before that post, I tried a blended protein shake...nope...not having that one again. It was from a company called Lean and was a banana creme smoothie. Not so good...

I started a puzzle, and had almost finished the border when my honey came. About this time it was around 1230pm so I decided I needed to make lunch for myself before we started to plan anything. I took a small morning glory chicken slider (fake mean) and cut it up tiny with scrambled egg, a finely diced cherry tomato, salt and pepper and a dash of salsa to add flavor. DELICIOUS! It also went down nicely and stayed down:) Loved it!

We decided to get out of the house and take my daughter to our local aquarium. It was much better this time around. The first time was opening weekend and it was horrible. We have season passes so we can go whenever and this time was so much better. We all had a blast.

Well after that the two of them were hungry. I of course was fighting head hunger but that is ok, I need to learn to deal with that. So we went to IHOP. Yet another place of wondrous smells. That's ok though. They got their food and I got a decaf coffee. OH IT WAS GOOD. And filling so I did not feel like I was being left out with the eating thing.

That evening I tried a Boca barbecue fake pork ribblet. Also delicious. Ate the whole thing. Probably shouldn't have but I am learning my full level.

These last few days nothing to different. I'm learning what I can and can't tolerate. Learning my full level. Also started using My Fitness Pal app to start tracking what I eat. I also learned that we can have regular food INCLUDING fast/restaurant food. I COULD HAVE EATEN AT IHOP!?!?! LOL Well after doing some research, a LOT of research. I found out what I could have and today I tried it out.

I was out with my hunny while he was working and I had not eaten. So after doing research I had a (Don't yell) McDonald's dollar cheese burger NO bun, tomato, big mac sauce, 3 pickles and 4-6 fries and an UNsweet tea with 4 splendas. THIS made me full. AND was well within what I am allowed calorie, fat, protein, carbs, etc for my day. After everything I have eaten today and I still have 104 calories LEFT! I also tried some mac and cheese, had a hard time with that one but that was I think because i took too big of a bite and did not chew enough. That can't be stressed enough these days. CHEW CHEW CHEW and if you think you are done, CHEW SOME MORE!

All food aside, life is going great. I go back to work tomorrow, YEAH!!! I'm missing it so much. I'm no longer sore, except when i have to sneeze, then i have to put pressure on my big incision but other than that, I'm SOOOOO ready to go back. I miss my customers!  However a lot has changed since I left so that will be interesting to get use to.

OH! Forgot to tell you, after those 3 pickles today all I have wanted was more lol so i had two baby dills with dinner. Yes, I was able to eat that much lol, chew chew chew til it was pickle paste. Ok, probably not the best image to think about but so worth it.

I will try to bring my lunch as much as I can but tomorrow i want to try Wendy's chili. People who have had my surgery say its great. Not only filling but FULL of protein which is what we need. So I am looking forward to that.

Also, I had my doctor take me off those damn horse pills and switch me to a new med that also comes in a meltable form. Doesn't taste the best, makes my tongue numb and knocks me out in about 10 mins BUT it is actually working better than my other med ever did. Only issue I realize is that my next doc appointment with him is when I am working so I have to resched. Luckily last time he prescribed me enough for two months because of the surgery in case I couldn't get in so that's a plus.

Well, I want to get back to reading that great book I was telling you about earlier PLUS, I have to be up at 6am and leave by 635am to get to work on time. I CANT WAIT!!!

Remember, Tomorrow is RED NOSE DAY! (can you tell I work at Walgreen's? lol) So watch tomorrow night on NBC at 7pm Central. For more information on Red Nose Day and how you can help these kids, visit RED NOSE DAY 


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