Sunday, May 31, 2015

Why has my Bariatric life been so boring?

Well, it has and has not been boring. 

First off, while I am at a bit of a stall in the weight loss department, (apparently, this is a famous stall that many have), I can say happily that I have (depending on what brand of jeans I wear) have gone from a size 20 (in February) to a size 14/16!!!!! I measured the waist size and it looks like I lost 2-3" off my waist! So while I am not seeing the scale number drop below 192, I am losing. 

I am however getting very frustrated with my head hunger. At least I hope that's all it is. I have been getting hungry in between meals and that's not good cause I want to snack and grazing is one reason we all got ourselves into this place     So I need to figure out what to do about that. I'm drinking water and soy milk but neither keep me full so ANY suggestions from you readers would be much appreciated. I am however getting better at getting my full amount or close to the 64 oz of fluids we are needing to drink a day. 

My lunches haven't been that bad either. Trying to eat protein first. This is my lunch for tomorrow. Full of protein. I already know it's too much food but I know I won't eat it all AND it give me many protein options to eat so that I am not just bored with only one food. 
Just looking at it makes me hungry lol. I have found that coffee seems to help a bit with hunger but that can be dehydrating and empty/bad calories and sugars.  Sugar free Popsicles help also but again, while it helps with fluids it also adds to unneeded calories. 

Speaking of deserts lol. I did find a GREAT desert that is low fat, soy, low sugar and high protein and OMG tastes heavenly. They are called Enlightened bars. Here is a view of what heaven looks like in the form of good desert. 
And as you can see they come in many flavors. :) I got the salted Carmel ones and I had to tear myself away from freezer or I would have eaten all in one sitting if my stomach hadn't been full after 1 lol. 

So that so far is what you needed to be caught up on. Again, if any of you out there in ONEderland or aiming for ONEderland has any comments I'd love to hear from you. Thank you for the followers I have and hope to have many more. 

Til Next Time!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Keep hydrated!!

Well, as today was not exciting at all, pretty much so boring that i fell asleep after dinner, ill cover fluids as promised. This will probably be a short one tonight.

So, as we know, we need to get at least 64 ounce of fluids in us a day to keep us from dehydrating and having kidney issues. A lot of times its hard to stomach just water. So what other fluids can we take in that count?

So obviously we want to drink as much water as we can. Adding sugar free crystal light is one way most people suggest helping to get the fluid down. You want to make sure you don't have too much of these types of additives though or they will just be increasing sugar intake.  Other fluids that can be considered in the 64 ounces can be juices (obviously make sure low in sugar and majority fruit juice), Popsicles (1 Popsicle equals 4 fluid ounces, also make sure again, low in sugar or sugar free). tea and coffee (make sure however these are decaf as caffeinated can dehydrate the body and in essence be worse), low fat and soy milk, jello (sugar free), soups that are low in sodium, they say soda but in my opinion this is a bad choice especially for us going thru this weight loss, try to avoid soda at all costs not only for the carbonation but the sugar, vitamin water, ice cream or sherbet, some fruits and veggies like grapes and cucumbers but be careful as some of these are high in sugars and can make you feel hungry earlier, and Gatorade or G2 (which is what they suggest for week 1 liquid diets). 

Remember, Yes we are trying to get fluids in so make sure you are drinking the correct fluids so that the benefit of the fluid intake outweighs the negatives of sugars and carbs in the fluid. Try to stay away from alcoholic beverages as not only do they affect up 4 fold, are also empty calories and will dehydrate you. 

If you absolutely are having problems getting fluids, i found in the hospital that ice chips are the best way to go. You can just keep them in your mouth to melt or chew on them and it is not as harsh tasting as pure plain water.

One website gave a great image as an example of what your fluid intake should look like:

Obviously you want to stay in levels 1 and 2 to get the majority. The higher the level, the more risk the negatives of it will outright the fact that you are receiving fluids.  The site then goes on to say:
  • At least half of your daily fluid should come from water. For a person who needs 12 cups of fluid a day, that would mean six cups of water. More is fine—up to 100% of your daily beverage needs.
  • About one-third (or about three to four cups) can come from unsweetened coffee or tea. If you flavor your coffee or tea with a lot of sugar, cream, or whole milk, then drinking less would help manage weight. If you take a pass on coffee or tea, choose water instead.
  • Low-fat milk can make up another 20 percent, or about two 8-ounce glasses. Less is fine, just make sure you get your calcium from another source.
  • A small glass (4 ounces) of 100% fruit juice, and no more than 1 to 2 alcoholic drinks for men or no more than 1 for women.
  • Ideally, zero “diet” drinks made with artificial sweeteners, but up to 1 to 2 glasses (8 to 16 ounces) a day (this is adapted from the Beverage Guidance Panel’s original recommendation of up to 32 ounces per day).
  • Ideally, zero drinks sweetened with sugar or high-fructose corn syrup, but up to a maximum of 8 ounces.
Signs of dehydration to look for are dark urine that has a strong odor, dry mouth and/or skin, fever, kidney/back pain, headaches, nausea and/or vomiting, muscle cramps, dizziness, irritability (which during the first couple weeks after surgery you will be anyways), rapid heartbeat, and shock, These can lead to not only dehydration but UTI's and kidney infections and or failure. Remember, after surgery we are more vulnerable now, especially when it comes to our kidneys. Dehydration alone can put us right back in the hospital. If you have a fever over 102 this is also a sign and you need to get to the ER right away. 

Ways to control your body's fluid retention and to no dehydrate that way are:
  • Avoid salty and spicy food. They increase thirst.
  • Reduce or avoid salt, soy sauce and other high-sodium condiments.
  • Plan ahead and spread your liquids throughout the day.
  • Stay cool. Don’t overheat.
  • Drink cold beverages instead of hot ones.
  • Snack on cold kidney-friendly vegetables and fruits.
  • Eat only the number of fruit and vegetable servings recommended in your meal plan.
  • Sip beverages and use smaller cups.
  • Make ice cubes out of your favorite beverage.
  • Conquer dry mouth by brushing teeth, using mouthwash and sucking on hard candy or a lemon wedge.
  • Take pills with very small sips of water, or try applesauce or other soft foods instead of water.
  • Keep a daily food and fluid journal that includes your weight.
  • Take your prescribed water pills, if prescribed.

Hopefully this helps with fluids and keeping hydrated. Not sure what if anything I will go over tomorrow, maybe something with diet lol. Maybe something exciting will happen tomorrow, in a good way of course.

Til Next Time!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Too hard on myself, and then there is protein...

I'm looking at maybe I am being a bit hard on myself. I have lost almost 25 lbs in 21 days, and I definitely have lost inches. Maybe I am expecting too much. I mean, I am not meant to lose all of it in a month or two. I guess I just need to keep doing what I am doing.

Liquids: NEED MORE! I know I need to drink more. That is a given. Maybe in addition to my regular liquids I need to add a flavored beverage and/or an additional protein drink.

Proteins: I also need to eat more. This means lots more protein through out the day. Meats, cottage cheese, fish, Greek yogurt is a big one. I came across this website that lists the top 40 most protein packed foods from all food departments (


Here is there list:

High Protein Dairy:
1.Greek Yogurt: 23g/8oz serving  (Plain is best for least amount of sugar)
2.Cottage Cheese: 14g/0.5 cup serving (they call it the MVP of snacks but can be high in sodium)
3.Swiss Cheese: 8g/1oz serving
4.Eggs: 6g/1 egg
5. Milk, 2%: 8g/1 cup serving
6. Soy Milk: 8g/1 cup serving

7. Steak (top or bottom round): 23g/3oz serving
8. Ground Beef (95%  lean): 18g/3oz serving
9. Pork Chops (boneless): 26g/3oz serving
10. Chicken Breast (boneless and skinless): 24g/3oz serving
11. Turkey Breast: 24g/3oz serving

12.Yellowfin Tuna: 25g/3oz serving
13. Halibut: 23g/3oz serving
14. Octopus: 25g/3oz serving
15. Sockeye Salmon: 23g/3oz serving
16. Tilapia: 21g/3oz serving

Canned/Bagged Foods:
17. Anchovies: 24g/3oz serving (To reduce saltiness, soak in water for 30 mins, rinse and pat dry)
18. Corned Beef: 24g/3oz serving
19. Light Tuna: 22g/3oz serving (Go for packed in water instead of oil for lower fat)
20. Chicken: 21g/3oz serving
21. Sardines: 21g/3oz serving  (Apparently Wild Planet brand is the best tasting)
22. Navy Beans: 20g/1 cup serving (These are a small, white, kidney bean type of bean. Apparently
one of the cheapest canned beans to get)
23. Dried Lentils: 13g/0.25 cup serving

24. Roast Beef: 18g/3oz serving
25. Canadian Bacon: 15g/3oz serving
26. Chorizo: 21g/3oz serving
27. Pepperoni: 18g/3oz serving (Compare brands as this can be high in sodium)
28. Roast Turkey Beef: 18g/3oz serving (Don't get flavored or seasoned as this will add sodium or       sugars you don't need)

29. Jerky: 13g/3oz serving (Brands such as Krave are MSG and nitrate free)
30. Peanut Butter: 8g/2tsbp
31. Mixed Nuts: 6g/2oz serving (Get unsalted)
32. Bean Chips: 4g/1oz serving (These are used in place of corn chips like Tostitos)

33. Smoothie Drinks: 16g/1 cup serving (Make sure these contain some source of protein and NOT   just fruits because these will just send you into sugar overload)
34. Tofu: 12g/3oz serving

Frozen Foods:
35. Edamame: 8g/0.5 cup serving
36. Green Peas:7g/1 cup serving
37. Frozen Greek Yogurt: 6g/0.5 cup serving (Once again, compare brands for less sugar)

38. Wheat Germ: 6g/1oz serving
39. Soba Noodles: 12g/3oz serving
40. Quinoa: 8oz/1 cup serving

WOW! Who knew all lose were good sources of proteins. Definitely not me. I learned some things just putting this list together.

Another great site to check out is for a list of great proteins. (

I also found a great site that actually gave snack ideas that were great sources for protein like Nut Butter Boats or Deli Roll ups. I actually will probably make a few of these for tomorrow at work since I know I will need to find something to eat. (

Maybe tomorrow I will go over good sources of fluids....Hmm there is food for thought lol.

Well, I do have to say that I feel a bit better after writing this. That is the point of this blog other than education of course. Hopefully it has helped some of you who are trying to find other good sources of proteins to help fill your day.

Til Next Time!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Feeling a bit discouraged

Lately I have been feeling a bit discouraged by the lack of weight that I have lost. Seems like my body has stalled.  I'm not eating a lot so why am I not losing? I have a small stomach and do not eat a lot when I do eat so why haven't I lost more? Do I need to eat more? Is that why? More times a day? I'm at a loss for what to do next.  

I guess I'll have to go and post on my support forums. Just thought it would be coming off faster. 

Til Next Time. 

Sunday, May 24, 2015


Lately it seems like every night when I start to eat dinner, food gets stuck and I end up throwing it back up.  I swear I chew it enough or maybe I'm just so hungry I think that I chew it.  It's very frustrating because I hate that.  My esophagus wasn't made smaller so why are things getting stuck? It does not make sense to me. Maybe one of my fellow sleevers can explain it to me one day but it's frustrating.  

Other than dinner, things have been great food wise. I'm not having any issues stomaching food based on what it is, only it getting stuck. My stomach seems to agree with everything. Which is good. However I know I'm not getting all of my fluids like I need to.  I just can't seem to make myself keep drinking. 

Tomorrow I go back out with my man on his job route and last time I did ok with fluids that day. 

Last night we had some horrible weather tornado warnings, bad winds and flooding. Power went out a bunch of times and we were huddled more like stuffed in a closet for a bit in case there  was high winds. It finally calmed down around midnight. 

I feel like I'm also at a standstill with my weight loss. People say they can see I'm losing BUT the scale isn't showing it lol.  Maybe soon. 

Til Next Time!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Taco Thursday, and Friday....LOL

So yesterday was my first day back to work. Went great. Felt great to be back.

Had tacos last night. Was full after 1!!! Yeah! It is strange to only eat one and get full where it would take 4 before.  Its a nice feeling to know I can be full and ill still lose the weight.

Tacos today for lunch after a day of getting alot of things done. Today was a long day at work lots of grumpy people. I did get to try street tacos from Taco Cabana. Good but expense. Not too much excitement or weight loss info today sorry.

Feeling great though!

Til Next Time!

It's weird

I can eat a tiny little burrito now and be stuffed where as before I would want/need 4 to be full. I like being full on just one!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Ok, so where did I last leave off...

Ok, so yes, people who are having this surgery or any major surgery dealing with the stomach should have family and friends read those articles.....

OK, so the day before that post, I tried a blended protein shake...nope...not having that one again. It was from a company called Lean and was a banana creme smoothie. Not so good...

I started a puzzle, and had almost finished the border when my honey came. About this time it was around 1230pm so I decided I needed to make lunch for myself before we started to plan anything. I took a small morning glory chicken slider (fake mean) and cut it up tiny with scrambled egg, a finely diced cherry tomato, salt and pepper and a dash of salsa to add flavor. DELICIOUS! It also went down nicely and stayed down:) Loved it!

We decided to get out of the house and take my daughter to our local aquarium. It was much better this time around. The first time was opening weekend and it was horrible. We have season passes so we can go whenever and this time was so much better. We all had a blast.

Well after that the two of them were hungry. I of course was fighting head hunger but that is ok, I need to learn to deal with that. So we went to IHOP. Yet another place of wondrous smells. That's ok though. They got their food and I got a decaf coffee. OH IT WAS GOOD. And filling so I did not feel like I was being left out with the eating thing.

That evening I tried a Boca barbecue fake pork ribblet. Also delicious. Ate the whole thing. Probably shouldn't have but I am learning my full level.

These last few days nothing to different. I'm learning what I can and can't tolerate. Learning my full level. Also started using My Fitness Pal app to start tracking what I eat. I also learned that we can have regular food INCLUDING fast/restaurant food. I COULD HAVE EATEN AT IHOP!?!?! LOL Well after doing some research, a LOT of research. I found out what I could have and today I tried it out.

I was out with my hunny while he was working and I had not eaten. So after doing research I had a (Don't yell) McDonald's dollar cheese burger NO bun, tomato, big mac sauce, 3 pickles and 4-6 fries and an UNsweet tea with 4 splendas. THIS made me full. AND was well within what I am allowed calorie, fat, protein, carbs, etc for my day. After everything I have eaten today and I still have 104 calories LEFT! I also tried some mac and cheese, had a hard time with that one but that was I think because i took too big of a bite and did not chew enough. That can't be stressed enough these days. CHEW CHEW CHEW and if you think you are done, CHEW SOME MORE!

All food aside, life is going great. I go back to work tomorrow, YEAH!!! I'm missing it so much. I'm no longer sore, except when i have to sneeze, then i have to put pressure on my big incision but other than that, I'm SOOOOO ready to go back. I miss my customers!  However a lot has changed since I left so that will be interesting to get use to.

OH! Forgot to tell you, after those 3 pickles today all I have wanted was more lol so i had two baby dills with dinner. Yes, I was able to eat that much lol, chew chew chew til it was pickle paste. Ok, probably not the best image to think about but so worth it.

I will try to bring my lunch as much as I can but tomorrow i want to try Wendy's chili. People who have had my surgery say its great. Not only filling but FULL of protein which is what we need. So I am looking forward to that.

Also, I had my doctor take me off those damn horse pills and switch me to a new med that also comes in a meltable form. Doesn't taste the best, makes my tongue numb and knocks me out in about 10 mins BUT it is actually working better than my other med ever did. Only issue I realize is that my next doc appointment with him is when I am working so I have to resched. Luckily last time he prescribed me enough for two months because of the surgery in case I couldn't get in so that's a plus.

Well, I want to get back to reading that great book I was telling you about earlier PLUS, I have to be up at 6am and leave by 635am to get to work on time. I CANT WAIT!!!

Remember, Tomorrow is RED NOSE DAY! (can you tell I work at Walgreen's? lol) So watch tomorrow night on NBC at 7pm Central. For more information on Red Nose Day and how you can help these kids, visit RED NOSE DAY 


Omg it's been a few hasn't it

Wow. I have forgot to write since the other day when life was all crazy and hectic with the aquarium:) or did I not write about that either lol. Well I'm out and about with my honey today so I will have to update all of you later tonight as I am writing this on my phone. 

A quick bit of food for thought:  Have you ever been reading a book and get so into it that it is almost like it's real life? You look up and swear you were right there or knew those people? Well I have found a great book that is like that.  Will tell ya all about it tonight:)

Til Next Time!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

For your family and friends who do not understand your change

For more information on how you can support a sleever, here is some information.,d.eXY

That last one is a download of a PDF guide.

Til Next Time.

What NOT to do if you say you are going to support someone going through this journey

Finally a morning that did not start off bad. There was no rain :) However I did hear my daughter starting to get an attitude with her great gramma so I went to go and stop it before it got worse. It was over breakfast. My daughter wanted a homemade egg mcmuffin and her great gramma did not want to make it. So I made it. My daughter however was already upset by this point and said she would not eat it because I did not make it with love. Well, after having a breakdown and bit of alone time, she did eat it reheated.

I tried a blended protein shake...nope...not having that one again. It was from a company called Lean and was a banana creme smoothie. Not so good...

I started a puzzle, and had almost finished the border when my honey came. About this time it was around 1230pm so I decided I needed to make lunch for myself before we started to plan anything. I took a small morning glory chicken slider (fake mean) and cut it up tiny with scrambled egg, a finely diced cherry tomato, salt and pepper and a dash of salsa to add flavor. DELICIOUS! It also went down nicely and stayed down:) Loved it!

We decided to get out of the house and take my daughter to our local aquarium. It was much better this time around. The first time was opening weekend and it was horrible. We have season passes so we can go whenever and this time was so much better. We all had a blast.

Well after that the two of them were hungry. I of course was fighting head hunger but that is ok, I need to learn to deal with that. So we went to IHOP. Yet another place of wondrous smells. That's ok though. They got their food and I got a decaf coffee. OH IT WAS GOOD. And filling so I did not feel like I was being left out with the eating thing.

SUCH a great day so far.

We got home and the man and I went upstairs to take a nap while my daughter went to go watch some TV.

This is where the trouble started.

Around 7ish, I hear my daughter yelling "MOM! Dinner is ready". So I start down stairs expecting to see the table set and ready and for me to figure out what food I can eat while they eat their dinner. NOPE! They are already done. THEY have excluded me once again. Did not even bother to tell me it was dinner time.

Now as you all know who have had this surgery. EMOTIONS are a big part. Yes, we get bitchy and ride a roller coaster of emotions. I admit, last week was not easy, I had only been on broth and was tired and nutritionally deprived and just flat out tired and dinners were not easy. Now they are not even giving me the chance. They just don't want to deal.

Now here is where things get more narrow and precise about the "problems". Apparently, my grandmother wants nothing to do with me when EVERYONE is at home. During the day there are no issues at all. As soon as my mother comes home there she is telling her that I am horrible to my daughter and yelling and being rude, and all sorts of things....Funny, I don't remember any of these issues. BUT that is besides the point. She is the one who is making my mother not tell me about dinner time. Apparently I NEED to set an alarm and KNOW when to come down stairs. I point out that dinner is not always at the same time and she starts in saying "bull, you know when it is". At this point all I want to do is get my food and get out. I am so angry that they aren't even giving me a chance. Excuse me, SHE wont. So i start getting my food ready while I explain how its rude to just assume I know when to come down, especially if I'm sleeping and that I would like to be told. I admit. Now I am pissed and a bit emotional. Damn, who wouldn't be. To be excluded from a family dinner, not once or twice, but i believe this is three purposeful times in a row now.  All of a sudden she is yelling at me calling me a spoiled little brat and saying horrible things and being just awful. So I cant take it anymore and I start walking towards the front door, in tears, more like bawling from an emotional beating, and there she is chasing me out of my own flipping house!!!!

I cant believe it. So I am sitting in my car now, bawling my eyes out and my mom comes out and starts in on me too. About how I have been crazy and they cant deal with it anymore. OK, so for those of you who know how to read a calendar. It has been officially 11 days since I have been home. 11!!! Not forever. And most of the time I have either been in my room or out doing other things. The ONLY time they have seen me has been for dinner and maybe 25/30% of those have been bad!!! More so towards the end of the first week because of no food. OH, and has anyone considered that I am also stir crazy?!? I HATE being at home all the time. If i could have gone back to work right away I would have and things would have been 10 times different. But they aren't. ANYWAY. so my mother goes on to say how my grandmother wanted a quiet house and thought she would have something of the sort when she moved in with us. (Myself, my mother, my 8 year old and occasionally my man, ya, not quiet). And then goes on to say how mean I am towards my kid, that I am never there and have no say in anything. EXCUSE ME?!?!?! She is my child first, second, my schedule is not my choice. If i could work a 9-5 job I would but I am not as fortunate. She was the one who told me to go into this career. I asked her, would she rather I quit and find another job that was 9-5? No she says, they like it like this! WTF!  Then she goes on to say I have no right to come in and start parenting when she is there the majority of the time. Again, can't help that HOWEVER, she is my child and my rules over go ANY of theirs. I want her to eat at the table, not in front of TV. But apparently I have no say.... once again, MY CHILD! I go on to tell her that regardless of my child, this is about HER mother and that I don't care how old you are, you have no right at all to talk to someone the way that she did. That I cant live like this with her making shit up and then causing issues once everyone is home.

Now, as a mom, and I'm sure you moms out there will agree, you will side with your kid first. Apparently that isn't how my mom is. Its her mom first and me second. *I should admit I'm getting more aggravated writing this but it needs to be written down*  So I end up sitting out in the car with myself, my daughter and my man. I can't go back inside because my grandmother has set up shop in the kitchen AT the table so that if i were to come inside she could go back at it.  My mom texts me saying to come in and that she (my grandmother) wont say anything or make a noise......... I try, nope, first thing i get is a smart ass remark, even my mom yells at her this time. I march right back outside. I'M DONE!!! I can't even eat now! and she wont leave. 10 to 1 she sat there with a smirk on her face the whole damn time.  Well eventually my man convinces me to make my food and eat somewhere else. So i go in make it and go back to my car. The whole time my gramma is trying to get my daughter to come stay with them instead of me. Nope, my kid is having none of it and is by my side the whole time. Well even after eating my food, probably an hour after she is STILL down there. I swear she wants to start something still. Usually right after dinner she goes to her room. NOT TONIGHT. Tonight she wants to show that she can have last word. Too bad. I go in and go right upstairs, taking my kid with me. (She hasn't left my side, is actually sleeping in my bed tonight, pretty sure she isn't happy with her either at the moment).

I don't care if they say this isn't how it went down or not. It is not their experience. I'm sure from their side I was a raging monster, throwing things and swearing and slamming things. Nothing was slammed, i swore maybe once, and i slid my bottle of G2 across the counter. I will not apologize. I also have lost respect. It is not something i give back easily either.

I sit here at 213 AM still extremely pissed. Things will not be the same here and that sucks because things were fine. I think that any family that says they will support a person going thru this surgery should be REQUIRED to attend a class and therapy, separately from person receiving surgery. This should not decide if the person CAN get surgery or not, but it should be required because apparently they think it will be all easy. Regular life isn't easy, so why would this MAJOR change be? You think it is easy for us??? So why do you hold that against us if we are emotional for 11 days!!!! I'm almost positive there are people who deal with it alot worse then me, let her go live with them for a day and then see how she is. I am also so disappointed that my mother, my own mother would side with her mother instead of her own child. I would NEVER do that to mine. If i had to choose it will ALWAYS be my daughter. Always.

So there is my sleeve horror story of the day. I hope that family members of sleevers or any major surgery will see this and try to understand that this is not even CLOSE to an easy road for us so give us a little, no ALOT of slack. This is a major body/hormonal/emotional change for us.

For more information on how you can support a sleever, here is some information.,d.eXY

That last one is a download of a PDF guide.

Til Next Time.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

An emotional rollercoaster with a good toad pee


Emotional roller coaster to say the least... family still having a hard time understanding that this is not the me, emotionally I usually am and will be. Still having a hard time understanding that my body's hormones are out of whack and until it understands it's new layout and chemistry, and until I am able to get out of this house (yes getting stir crazy) and am able to eat again, things are going to be a touchy. We will get there though.

I got through lunch just fine as you know, dinner is where we hit a speed bump. So I decided to eat some yogurt, yum! No issue there, it is when I got to the protein that I bumped, and big. I decided to try a bit of a vegan burger patty. Nope, it got stuck and then came right back up. At first I thought maybe it was too spicy or something, but there was not really any spice so I have decided it came down to this. First, I was not chewing my food as much as I was suppose to. Hunger gets to you and you just want to get it down in your stomach to sate that hunger, and two, my bites are still too big. One of the things the diet class went over was taking tiny bites and suggested using a baby spoon because that is the size bites we need to take. So tomorrow, I am going to buy baby spoons. Thought I would be ok because I would know how big of bites to take but of course....Obviously not so much so tomorrow I will try again. So once again I ate really watered down refried beans and melted cheese. Not bad lol

So anyway....after fighting with my man all day, we never get to see each other alot right now, we decided to go see a movie. Really good movie, however that part was the least of my worries. Temptation was everywhere. He ordered a pizza and popcorn. They smelt soooooo good. I wanted to take just one bite of the pizza. But I was strong. I wish I could have had just one bite. I know that I should be able to eat that within the next month or two so I just need to work up to it. Plus, I know it would not be handled well. It would have either came back up or sent me running to the restroom.

So now you are probably wondering about the toad pee right? Very random lol. Well, then end of the night when he and I were out putting the garbage out and looking at our garden I found a toad, picked him up and as I knew he would, he peed. But OMG he really let it go. These Texan toads go all out LOL. My jeans are now in the wash, I definitely would not want to wear them smelling like that. My dog would have a field day with those, rubbing all over my legs.

Well, I must get these pills down and get some rest. No idea what tomorrow holds but I am hoping some food that I can keep down that is NOT refried beans.

Til Next Time!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Lunch time.

Ok so short post.

Lunch today, other than my calcium chew...

MOISTENED refried beans and low fat cheese topping it. Just waiting for it to cool.  Hopefully it won't get stuck today because it smells and looks good lol

Til Next Time!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Long Tiring Day

 Well today has felt long so this post will be a short one today. I had my one week (1.5 week) follow up and nutrition and supplement class today. All is on track and I can go back to work next Thursday 😃 and I got my multivitamins and calcium supplements. I also was approved to move on to the next group of foods. Tonight's dinner went pretty well however when they say to moisten the refried beans, you need to moisten them lol. One bite of them and they got stuck. U.S. That ruined the rest of my meal however it was still good. Can't wait to see what I have tomorrow:) 
Now I'm exhausted lol so I'm going to watch some tv or read and go to sleep. 

Til Next Time!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Interesting day yesterday

Full of ups and downs.  Mostly ups until it came to dinner time.

Sorry I did not update until now. Been a busy day LOL.

First off IM UNDER 200!!!! My weight as of 30 mins ago was 197.2!!! That means I'm closer to my goal and this makes me happy. I thought I was not gonna lose like everyone else does after surgery. My family says they can see it, but I can't. I see no differnce. Maybe soon I will. From what I hear once I start getting food into me my body wont try to save onto every last sip I take and I'll start to lose. I hope this is the case.  I also reached my goal of 5,000 steps yesterday. Something I haven't done since a two weeks before my surgery. That makes me happy because that means I'm able to walk like I was before.

I was able to go to two museams as stated in yesterday's blog. There are so many pictures that I didn't want to put them into this post so what I did is create another blog just for pics LOL. Now you can atleast click on that blog to go see the pics. Now for most of them, the description will be the picture after. It's too hard to make notes and comments on everything so I figured this was going to be the easiest way to do it. Mind you, there are apparently around 547 pics so feel free to scroll through them. What can I say. I like taking pictures. Now a few from the beginning do not have labels or pics after. These are Pablo Picasos or the Monet I saw. (Yes I was allowed to take pics as long as there was no flash.) These ones I will put a comment on so you know what they are. I figured it was going to be a boring day but not so much. HOWEVER I don't think I got as much liquids as I should have during the day time. I definitley made up for it at night though.

PICTURES: Click on pics to enlarge:)

When it includes family and food lately it seems to be a problem. And not so much about me and eating, just all of us together.   I can't get my daughter to sit at the table and eat anymore. Seems like She only wants to eat in front of the TV and this worries me. I can't get any help to get her to stay at the table either. No one will back me up. They just keep saying "You're her mom, deal with it". Thanks Lot of help that is.

Than there is always some time of arguing. Granted I know I am not in the best mood, but lets face it people, I havent had real food, as in something semi-solid to solid since almost a week before my surgery. I'm not gonna be exactly great to get along with yet. They don't seem to get that.

After a big ol' argument I stormed out of the house. BUT not why some people think. See, yesterday was my grandmother's 82nd birthday! She is lactose intolerant and really wants strawberry ice cream. She thinks they don't make it in lactose free. WELL I found one company that does! I searched all over San Antonio, in almost every store the company said it was located. Only one actually had a spot even made for it but it was out. You can bet I emailed the company a peice of my mind.  All I wanted to do was bring back a tiny pint of this strawberry lactose free ice cream and I couldn't even accomplish that.

So I ended up coming home around 930pm with nothing....the house was dark and the driving around did not even help calm me down. Normally it would have. I need to get some damn food into my stomach. Yesterday not even the chicken broth which is my favorite tasted good. It down right sucked! Thank heavens tomorrow is my check up and meeting with nutritionist so hopefully I can start on semi-solids.

Today is a stormy day. Thunderstorms and a even a tornado watch, which is rare since we don't get tornados here. Mostly just high winds. So I plan on staying in and working on the two papers I had to go to the museams for. After that, who knows, we will see if the day pans out better than it did yesterday. I really hope so. I really am not trying to cause chaos but those of you who have been through this know how it is. You have no control when there is lack of food inside of you. Once you start on the real diet of food it apparently gets better. *HOPEFULLY*


Well went out with my love and went to the fish store. As usual we bought some fish. LOL. We bought an eel, 2 pearl gouramis, this cool long nose/mouth fish (forgot the name) and a bunch of feeder guppies for the big fish to eat. Here are pics of the new fish. And after that the pics of all our others lol








We also went to walmart and ended up buying more plants and some seeds. Here are the new plants.

Til Next Time!

Monday, May 11, 2015

End of the day....

Well to say the end of the day didn't have any excitement would be an understatement. And not in a good way. All I can really say is that only I know what this surgery is about and what it is suppose to be. I have done the research, talked to the surgeon and nutritionist and others who have gone through it. So no one else can say what it is or is not, will or wont be.

I am sitting here in bed with all the windows open and getting tired due to the lack of anything coming into my body. I just want to sleep and plan to shortly, that is after getting down ALL the big pills of my daily meds. That is probably one of the worst things that I have to do. All of them but 2 are tiny and I can take those together. However these two that I have to take are like horse pills! Lets just say I drink the remaining of fluids left for the day just to get them down.

I have booked our hotel for my brother's wedding at the end of June and can't wait! I have not been to minnesota in almost 6/7 years. We are driving of course so I will get to go through some states that I have never been through before, checking some off my bucket list.

Well I must attend to the pill taking task of the night.

Til Next Time. 

Average day...

Today really has not been that eventful to tell you the truth.

Weighed myself and I'm down another pound and a half. Sipped on a protein shake. OMG that was such a nice change from water, gatorade and broth! I am feeling good today with regards to my incision sites. No really pain other than this gas bubble on my left side which I wish that would disappear LOL... And my back hurts just a bit from all the walking but I know I have to keep at it. Sitting on my butt is not going to help me out at all. This isn't just some magical surgery that will make the weight all fall off ( know what I mean). I also have to work at it.

Found a path by my house where I did get to use my camera so that was nice. Here are the pics:

One thing that did make me happy was that I was invited to volunteer and then also attend another day of the National Homeland Security Administration Confrence:) I am excited to go and see all of it..

I am looking forward to Thursday because I will finally have a follow up with my surgeon to see how I am doing but also I will be able to see my nutritionist and get vitamins and other information that is needed. I  know I am not getting what I need from broth and drinks. Maybe once that part starts I will have a bit more enegery.

Til Next Time!

I have been givin the OK for.....

Sipping on protein shakes to help with my hunger.

Last nights little attempt at semi solids was considered too soon so to sate the hunger my nutritionist said up to 3 times a day I can use the protein shake for the hunger but to stay on the clear liquids until my appointment on Thursday. *sigh*

Not what I wanted to hear of course. None of us would, especially since by the time of my appointment I will be almost to week two. BUT I do need to follow their advice. They are the experts. But hey I'm happy with a protein shake because ITS DIFFERENT THAN BROTH!!!

So this morning I will try sipping on a protein shake and see how long that will last me. Not guzzle or drink like I normally would but SIP slowly, as slow as I can until I'm full. Remember my stomach is now teeny tiny so a whole protein shake would probably overflow my stomach and I'm not looking to gain everything back. Control and will power is the name of the game here. I know once I start on the actually semi solids and then move up and up levels of food I will be ok, this first stage is just the toughest, and that has been affirmed by many people on my forums. I have to remember my end goal here. HEALTHY and WEIGHT LESS!

Well I have a few errands to run before a big storm is suppose to hit us. I'm feeling great though after a great sleep and looking forward to today. *Have I mentioned yet that this whole waking before noon when I don't have to thing is new for me? My body just wants to now, I LOVE IT!*

Til Next Time!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Attempting a semi solid

Been craving this.  Let's see how this goes...

UPDATE: Ok, so four small spoonfuls later and I am full and extrememly happy! My family I am sure also noticed that I was in a much better mood during dinner. I feel content! FINALLY! I do have to wait an hour before drinking anything and that is fine by me. I dont think I could get any liquid into my stomach anyway LOL. And for those of you not familiar with the dietary rules. From now until the end of time, I cannot drink anything 15 minutes before dinner or 1 hour after dinner because what it essentially does is flushes or makes the food pass through the stomach faster and letting the body still think it is hungry. This in turn leads to over eating and self sabatoging of the surgery.

Well I am back outside and am enjoying the weather with a full belly:) 

And as a last thought, look who came to visit me after dinner.

Til Next Time!

My Brother's Wedding, Leggings and Drinks

So I don't know why I didn't think about this until just now but, my brother will be getting married at the end of June and I'll need to find a dress that will fit which means shopping RIGHT before we go there lol.

It is gonna be a nice small back yard thing with only close family and friends. It will be a rough trip with Myself, Ada, my mom, three strong willed women, but I'm sure we can survive. LOL  It will more than likely only be a 3 or 4 day weekend. Friday PTO, sat sun off and Monday PTO. Hopefully I have enough still by that time.

So I have been wearing the same leggings for the past week because I don't want to wear PJ's. I want to feel like im dressed for once so leggings, cami and a sports bra along with my compression belt. However, I'm soooo tired of leggings that look black and boring or like yoga pants. So today I went to walmart's AS SEEN ON TV section. I know, roll your eyes, I was prepared for that response lol. Anyway. I'm not sure if you have seen the commercials for those jean style leggins, but I bought a pack. Size large/XL, a two pack. One blue jean and one black jean styled. Now granted I tryed to get them on right after being done working outside so yes, they were a bit tight to get on lol. They actually feel wonderful. However, if I had been any bigger there would be no way I'd have gotten into them. Its a good think that in about a week they should fit more loosely lol. They do look like jeans though. My grandmother didnt even know they were the leggings. Normally I am very hesitant to buy anything AS SEEN ON TV but this  so far was a great choice. So for those of you who don't want to keep going out look like you are addicted to yoga pants. Try these while you don't feel quite up to real jeans. (They even have back pockets!)

Now on to my fluids. I was able to take a bunch of normal drinks in a row! Not sips, drinks! I feel like im making progress. That makes me feel even better about this journey. I was so worried I would never be able to take a normal drink, but atlas, I can. I may not be able to do it every time but the fact that I can at the moment makes me feel great.

Well I'm exhausted. Went to walmart, planted some grass seed...thats actually alot for one day. So I am going to still out here on my back patio and watch some beautiful birdies on this beautiful day. Happy Mother's day to all you moms out there!

Til Next Time!