Monday, June 1, 2015


Lately, or I should say since I got back to work FT I feel like my brain is working at a slower pace, that its not up to par. I use to be super speed and great at my job but I feel like it's taking my brain longer to process things some times. I wonder if this is due to the smaller amount of food coming into my body. Maybe I need to take some kind of brain pills lol. I know they have ones... hmm.. let me do a quick search....

OK, search done and this is what I have found, supplement wise. Obviously we need to be taking our multi-vitamins specifically designed for Bariatric patients. That's a "no-brainer". They also say that eating broccoli will help (small gag on tons of broccoli). Don't get me wrong, it's a good veggie, but i just cant see myself eating a lot of it to keep my brain going...  According to one site, these are the most likely vitamins we are not getting enough of if we don't take our supplements...

  • Calcium deficiency – leads to osteoporosis.
  • Iron deficiency – can cause anemia (when your body does not have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body), increased feelings of fatigue and hair loss.
  • Folate (folic acid) deficiency – can also lead to anemia.
  • Protein deficiency – protein is one of the most important components of your body as it makes up most of your major organs. Not getting enough can lead to a myriad of problems, including muscle deterioration, organ failure, gallstones and even death.
  • Thiamin (Vitamin B1) deficiency – affects the heart, digestive system and nervous system. If not caught and treated quickly, learning and memory could be permanently affected. Ultimately, coma and death could be the result.
  • Vitamin A deficiency – can lead to night blindness and increases the risk of disease and death from severe infections. During pregnancy after weight loss surgery, it increases the risk of night blindness and child mortality.
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency – can cause fatigue and tingling in the hands and can eventually lead to anemia and neurological disorders.
  • Vitamin D deficiency – can lead to liver and kidney disorders and bone softening diseases.
  • Vitamin E deficiency – causes neurological problems, anemia and can cause wounds to heal more slowly.
  • Vitamin K deficiency – increases the risk of osteoporosis and heart disease and can cause you to bruise more easily.
  • Zinc deficiency – will give you brittle nails and can lead to hair loss.
  • - See more at:

    YIKES! Yes so lets take those! OK, so what about things we can ADD to this daily regiment of our vitamins and calcium supplements we have to take? Another site lists these: Creatine, Caffeine with L-theanine, Dark Chocolate (OK, i like that one lol), Piracetam and Choline, Omega-3 Fatty Acids (which is something we need and can actually get by eating fish), Bacopa Monnieri (from India I guess), Ginko Bilboa Extract, Panax or Asian Ginseng, Rhodiola Rosea, and last but not least Spanish Sage. Am I the only one reading this and going "What the heck are half these things????"  Good, I'm glad I'm not alone. LOL.  Another site not only advertises a brand, but also goes on to list Piracetam supplements, Oxiracetam Supplements, Phenylpiracetam, Noopept, and Adrafinil. Yeah, still noooooo idea what they are taking about. Apparently we need to be taking a whole slew of these together into one supplemental package to be able to think about WHAT we are actually needed to take LOL. However, ones that keep getting brought back up are Ginko Bilboa, Choline, and a fish oil supplement of some kind so maybe they have these in one small package?? Wouldn't that be nice. And CHEAP please if we can. 

    Web MD goes to state one DUH comment, Caffeine. Obviously will help, but majority of us on this fun new life style are told to limit our caffeine intake to small or NIL so that one can be a bit tricky. Glucose, not table sugar can help, but again, something we are told to limit ourselves on so that wont help. Eating breakfast. This is a another "no brainer". One of the first things we are told to do is have a breakfast even if it is just our protein shake. This will help. Apparently anything high in fiber is a great way to fuel the brain in the morning. Fish oils of course... OH! They say we need a daily dose of nuts and chocolate. I like where this is going LOL. BUT of course DARK chocolate which has less sugar, fat and calories than our lovely milk chocolate I'm sure you are all drooling over right now. Come to think of it I have a bar of that upstairs..... 


    Can't eat it. MUST RESIST! 

    OK, resisted lol.

    Back to concentration. Avocados and whole grains. Now the only thing we have to be careful of with avocados is that they do have a higher fat content so we need to eat sparingly. I believe I heard a half of an avocado will do us just fine but more can be a no no in the fat department. BLUEBERRIES!!! Apparently these are a "SUPER FRUIT" according to Web MD. I like blueberries so I wouldn't mind.. Again, we need to look out though because fruits are sugary and we need to limit ourselves. Remember, too much sugar can lead to "Dumping Syndrome" (Hint: Click on the link for more information). Last but not least they suggest a good night sleep, staying hydrated and exercises which for a bariatric patient all are givens. 

    So obviously there will never be a magic pill when it comes to BRAIN POWER, but more of a regular dose of healthy life style and some much needed supplements coming our way. A vacation wouldn't hurt either. LOL. 

    NOW. I do want to add my own little newly learned bit of information. There is a new, OK well not new, but I just discovered it, tea called Matcha Tea.  It is a green tea that is in powdered form and when drank is great for the body. Not only does it boost concentration, but its great for the immune system. Click on over and have a looksee for yourself. CLICK ME!!! 

    If you look at that chart of nutrients you can sea that it has some of the things listed on previous sites that help with concentration and brain efficiency. Truthfully I have only been drinking for about 2 days, but with some splenda it is great tasting and did help me stay away this morning. Yes, it does have caffeine but I found that my body has tolerated it very well, and WITHOUT the jittery feeling, as long as I also keep myself hydrated through out the day with my 64 ounces of required water/fluid intake. If it was not 1215am right now i would be thinking about making myself a cup, but alas, i do need sleep to aid with the concentration part of my day. 

    Well, once again, I hope this has been an informative blog about what we need to not become bariatric zombie patients lol.  

    PS: I love writing post like this with lots of odd words. My screen lights up with yellow after spell check LOL

    Til Next Time!

    1 comment:

    1. Interesting stuff.

      I think the reason that fiber helps brain power in the morning is because it's a kind of carbohydrate. Carbs are the brain's food. That's why people actually perform better on exams when they have had sugar just before the test. Though I know that's a no-no for WLS patients. I have experienced failure of my brainjitsu when doing extremely low-carb diets in the past. It stinks!

      Good luck with your vitamin-quest for increased brain juice :) If you find something that supercharges your neurons, please do post it!
