Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow!

One thing that I am sure we have all noticed since we had surgery and started towards ONEderland was that along with losing weight, we are also losing ALOT of hair. For someone like me who normally has thick hair, it is not noticeable unless you look at my hairbrush and in my trash can. But for those who have already thin hair, this can be devastating and very noticeable. So why after surgery and during weight loss DO we lose so much hair?

We lose this hair due to such a drastic change in our eating habits after surgery. We reduce our caloric intake big time by having our stomach size reduced. Another reason we tend to lose hair is stress. What we just went through from the surgery to complete diet change is extremely stressful. It would be shocking if we did not lose any hair just from that. 

The great part is that it will not last forever. The rapid hair loss will eventually subside. However, there are some things that can be done to aid in the process of reducing the amount of hair that is lost.
FIRST. DON'T STRESS! I read some where that Obesity kills, a bit of hair loss does not! It will not last forever. Make sure that you are taking your bariatric vitamins. This will help in making sure that your body gets what it is needing and will more than likely make the hair loss not as bad as it could be. Make sure you are getting your recommended amount of protein. Protein also helps in hair growth along with weight loss. Make sure you are also getting those great Omega-3 fatty acids. These are great for hair growth as well as the body in general. Massage your scalp when you wash your hair. This increases blood flow to the scalp and helps with hair growth. Make sure you are also taking good care of the hair you have now. Do not use clarifying or a shampoo that will strip or is harsh on the hair. Make sure its moisturizing and if you feel you need to, use thickening shampoo. 

Remember, this hair loss WILL NOT last forever. And in a way you can think of it this way, if your losing hair, you are losing weight:)

Til Next Time!

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